Sports Survey Analysis

Sports Survey Analysis

My research topic:Sports

Targets:Japanse University Students

Number of respondents:(10)

(Summary) Students answered 9 questions about sports.



Graph#1 shows that most students have sports experience. In fact 90% of the respondents said that they had experience in sports. This result  did not suprise us much, because sports are something that students have the opprtunity to engage in at school and in many other places.

Graph#2 shows that track and field and volleyball were tied for first place. This result was a bit surprising. This result was a little surprising, as I had expected soccer and basketball to be the most popular sports in the image of the respondents.


Graph#3 shows that opinions were largely divided between soccer and baseball. In fact, soccer has the largest number of players. Therefore, it can be seen that 60% of the students had the correct perception.


Graph#4 shows that All of them currently do not play sports at least once a week. This result was very surprising.Do college students not belong to clubs or other teams? 


Graph#5 shows that many students work hard around the summer in junior high school.Looking at other times of the year, summer tends to be the hardest time to work hard.


List#6 shows that respondents have not played sports recently. From this we can read that college students are not getting enough exercise.


List#7 shows that the majority of respondents indicated that 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. are the best times for sports.  Perhaps they avoided the noon hours, when temperatures are at their highest; 10:00 and 17:00 are relatively calm times of the day.


List#8 shows that some students answered minor sports with respect to different sports initiatives. 


List#9 shows that many students answered in terms of a decrease in the number of children. Personally, I was interested in the opinion that global warming will make it impossible to play sports.




The survey provided insight into students' awareness and perceptions of sports. On reflection, it might have been better to conduct the survey separately for men and women. As a reflection, it might have been better to conduct the survey separately for men and women, as I thought that the favorite sports of men and women might vary greatly.


  1. thank you for nice survey analysis. i also surprised at no one play sports in a week.




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